S.E. Ariz. Butterfly Trip

Wanda Dameron be496 at lafn.org
Wed Sep 23 15:47:55 EDT 1998

After a wonderful Labor Day Weekend butterflying in Sonora Mexico, (see
Fred Heath's report on 9/10 or at end) a few LANABA (Los Angeles Chapter
of NABA) members continued butterfling another 5 days in southeast
Arizona.   While we were really spoiled by the quantity and variety in
Sonora, Arizona kept us on our toes.   The experience we gained in
Sonora with leader Doug Danforth proved extremely valuable with quite a
number of the same species--71 species  (scientific names and stats at
end of report, though tend to be low on quantities). 

Picking up after Fred’s report:   Tuesday afternoon, the Arizona
Giant-Skipper (Agathymus aryxna baueri) was found, distinctly different
from the Huachuca G-S, (Agathymus evansi) seen earlier that a.m. 
Wednesday was spent in the peaceful San Rafael Grasslands seeing lots of
Variegated Fritillaries (Euptoieta claudia), Tropical Buckeyes (Junonia
genoveva nigrosuffusa) several puddle parties with many sulfurs, blues,
Tiny Checkerspots (Dymasia dymas chara)  and surprisingly the summer
form of the Tropical Leafwing (Anaea aidea troglodyta--see Mariposas
Mexicanas Pl.54-6).   

Back to Garden Canyon on Fort Huachuca property Thursday, driving as far
as possible on this road that is fast being allowed to deteriorate, then
walking to the cabin in the cool a.m. and butterflying our way back
down, also seeing a late Buff-breasted Flycatcher and a rattling
black-striped snake.   Lots of Nabokov’s Satyrs (Cyllopsis pyracmon
nabokovi) and Red-bordered Satyrs (Gyrocheilus patrobas tritonia)
everyone’s favorite, with its black velvety background and distinctive
red marginal border , many Arizona Powdered-Skippers (Systasea zampa)
and a White Angled-Sulfur (Anteos chlorinde).   Bordered Patches
(Chlosyne lacinia crocale) were undoubtedly the most pervasive butterfly
of the week, sometimes in the hundreds!

Friday, took Doug’s suggested route through Rucker Canyon--which proved
quite fruitful, especially near a riparian section where we had many
blues, the Snoutless Snout and our only Elada Checkerspots (Texola elada
perse) then Saturday, the roads around Portal in the Chiracauas& up to
Rustler Park.   Leaving Sunday, went north along a deserty route to Hwy
10 and since was still early, south on Hwy 83 a couple of miles where at
a “t” intersection we found Mormon, Palmer’s & Arizona Metalmarks.

We took 4 specimens that were quite interesting = couldn’t figure out
with binoculars!   A female Lyside Sulfur (Kricogonia lyside), because
didn’t realize females and sometimes males don’t have the dark HW
mark.   A Golden-headed Scallopwing that thought was a  Mazans til got
the magnifier on it in hand and able to see a few speckles of gold, and
a Snoutless Snout that was doing fine in the
wild--someone thought for awhile had another and thought it might be a
local population of aberrants, but evidently (?) was just broken off
--there is a dark spot where it should be.   The fourth bug, a
checkerspot, to me looks more like Thessalia leanira cerrita (Emmel 4-38
or Audubon 559--found in Calif. desert mts.), as dorsal so very lightly
colored and heavier VHW markings, but not listed for Az.   Only VHW in
Az. book like Black Checkerspot (Thessalia cyneas), but dorsal pictured
much darker but maybe just inexperience;  however no records for the
Chiracahuas since early 1900’s, and was found nectaring  along the road
between Paradise & Portal.   We’re anxiously awaiting the thoughts of
the Arizona experts.

The companionship delightful, the weather good (rain late afternoon a
time or 2) and when you factor in the plentiful Arizona typical species
of Pipevine (B. philenor) and Two-tailed Swallowtails (P. multicaudata),
Sleepy (E. nicippe) and Tailed Oranges (E. proterpia), Cloudless (C.
sennae), & Dainty Sulfurs (N. iole), Mexican Yellows (E. mexicana) Leda
Ministreaks (M. leda), multitudes of Blues & Queens, variety of
Metalmarks, various Checkerspots, Crescents, Patches, Red-spotted
Purples (L. arthemis arizonensis), Dull Firetips (P. araxes) and other
neat Spreadwing skippers and Skipperlings, it was a GREAT TRIP!

					Wanda Dameron, LANABA
					Lorquin, Xerces, Lep Societies
					Flutterby Press   (BF materials)
					be496 at lafn.org
					Los Angeles, Calif. 91304


- Wanda Dameron,   September 8 thru 13, 1998 
Kim Garwood, Mary Shepherd, Richard Lindstrom, Tom O’Connell

1.   9/8	Garden Canyon	10-1:30	Stopped by Brodkins, Queens there, napped
p.m.; gang not get much other cyns
2.   9/9	Patagonia into San Rafael Grasslands	8:30-2:30	Too early for BF
Garden; ended with Rain; shopped Nature Center
3.   9/10	Garden Cyn	8:30-2:30	Pictographs, Clarks/Desert Spiny Lizard,
black striped snake rattling, Buff-breasted F/C
4.		Miller Cyn	3-4:30	Dry, few BF; Beatty’s B&B: A.White-eared and im.
Violet-crowned Hummers
5.		San Pedro River	5-6:20	L. Watherthrush (long supercillium, wide
behind eye, buff flanks); Hermit, Mac, Townsend’s
6.   9/11	Grasslands & Rucker Cyn	8:30-4	Ck. by Border Patrol, other car
almost hit deer; Hep. Tan. Gambel Quail, Lg. Jackrabbits
7.   9/12	Cave Ck. Cyn, & low roads, Rustler Pk &
		   back road to Paradise then Portal	8-5	im. Elegant Trogans
8.   9/13	Portal to San Simeon	8-10	
9.   		1-2 mi so. of Hwy 10 on Hwy 83	11:30-12:30	Metalmark corner @ “T”

x = too lazy, slow for numbers             	+  = many	<  =  I didn’t see
	*   =   Lifer

 		  1	  2 	  3 	  4	  5	  6	  7	  8	  9
Black  (Eastern)	Battus polydamas asterius						2	2	6	
Pipevine	Battus philenor	<	+	+	+	+	12	12	2	4
Two-tailed	Papilio multicaudata	1		+			2	10		
Cabbage	Pieris rapae		1							
Checkered	Pontia protodice	<	<			<	15	1		
Southern	Colias cesonia	+	6	x			10	4		1
Sleepy	Eurema nicippe	<	<	x		X	30	30	18	6
Tailed	Eurema proterpia	x	50	x						
Cloudless	Phoebis sennae marcellina	x	+	x		x	10	25	6	1
Dainty	Nathalis iole	<	6	x			20	4		3
Lyside	Kricogonia lyside						1			
Orange	Colias eurytheme	<	x					3		1
White-angled	Anteos chlorinde nivifera			1						
Mexican	Eurema mexicana	x	x	x			8	6	2	
Gray	Strymon melinus franki	2	1	x			4		1	<
		  1	  2 	  3 	  4	  5	  6	  7	  8	  9
Leda	Ministrymon leda		1							1
Acmon	Plebejus acmon texana	12		x			4			
Ceraunus	Hemiargus ceraunus gyas	8		x			12			
Marine	Leptotes marina	x	32	x			12			
Reakirt’s	Hemiargus isola alce	+	10	x			40	10	6	3
Rita	Euphilotes rita rita	6								
Spring Azure	Celastrina ladon cinerea	x		x			6	10		
Western Pygmy-	Brephidium exile	x	6	<			2		1	1
METALMARKS	Riodiniadae Family									
Arizona	Calephelis arizonensis									1
Fatal	Calephelis nemesis nemesis									1
Mormon	Apodemia mormo mormo							<		
Palmer’s	Apodemia palmeri arizona	1	1				1			1
Common	Junonia coenia		6				<1			
Tropical	Junonia genoveva nigrosuffusa	1	60			<1				
		  1	  2 	  3 	  4	  5	  6	  7	  8	  9
Black	Thessalia cyneas							1?		
Elada	Texola elada perse						25			
Theona	Thessalia theona thecla	<1		1			2			
Tiny	Dymasia dymas chara		50				2			
CloakMourning	Nymphalis antiopa	2	1	2			1	<1		
Mylitta 	Phyciodes mylitta thebais			1				2		
Painted	Phyciodes picta	<1								
Pearl	Phyciodes tharos tharos			1						
Texan	Anthanassa texana		6				1			
Empress Antonia	Asterocampa antonia (celtis)							1		
Mexican 	Euptoieta hegesia hoffmanni						1			
Variegated 	Euptoieta claudia	6	4	<1		<1	25	15	x	1
American	Vanessa virginiensis	1	2	1				6		
Painted	Vanessa cardui	1	4	3	x		2	12		
Red Admiral	Vanessa atalanta rubria					1				
Tropical	Anaea aidea troglodyta  summer form M54-6		1	<?						
Gulf Fritillary	Agraulis vanillae incarnata	1					1			
Monarch	Danaus plexippus	<1	3			1	4	6	?	
Queen	Danaus gilippus strigosus	2	6	1	<		50	6	10	6
Patches Bordered	Chlosyne lacina crocale	500+	30	20	<	2	25	6	3	1
PurpleRed Spotted	Limenitis arthemis arizonensis	6	2	8			2	4		
Nabokov’s:Nabokov’s ***	Cyllopsis pyracmon nabokovi	8*		35	<	6	1	<6		
Red-bordered Satyr*** 	Gyrocheilus patrobas tritonia	2		50	x		10	18		
		  1	  2 	  3 	  4	  5	  6	  7	  8	  9
California	Adelpha bredowii eulalia	25	3	x	x	x	15	30		
American	Libytheana bachmanii larvata	1	2				3;1less			4
FIRETIPS	Pyrrhopyginae Subfamily									
Dull	Pyrrhopyge araxes	2	6	10				2		
SPREADWING SKIPPERS	Pyrginae Subfamily									
Duskywings	                    	1?								
Funereal	Erynnis funeralis	1	2	6			<1	2		
Meridian	Erynnis meridianus			1						
Mournful	Erynnis tristis	<1								
Pacuvius	Erynnis pacuvius				<1		1			
Dorantes	Urbanus dorantes		1							
Golden-headed	Staphylus ceos						1		1	
Silver-spotted Skipper	Epargyreus clarus huachuca 							1		
Common	Pyrgus communis communis	2	20	x	<		30	18		
Desert	Pyrgus philetas		15							
Arizona  ***	Systasea zampa		1	12			1			
GRASS SKIPPERS	Hesperiniinae Subfamily									
Orange	Copaeodes aurantiacus	<	<	<			12	4		
Tropical Least Skipper	Ancyloxypha arene							1	4	
Roadside-Skippers							?			
Dotted	Amblyscirtes eos		1				?			
Large	Amblyscirtes exoteria	1	10							
Taxiles	Poanes taxiles			1				<1		
GIANT-SKIPPERS	Megathyminae Subfamily									
Arizona	Agathymus baueri  	<1								
Huachuca     ****	Agathymus evansi complex	1								

>fred_heath at power-one.com wrote:       9/10/98
>         A group of LA Chapter NABA (LANABA) members teamed up with a few
>      folks from SE Arizona (Huachuca Audubon) and led by Doug Danforth,
>      headed into Sonora, Mexico for a long Labor Day Weekend of butterfly
>      watching. We went into central Sonora to Yecora and butterflied in
>      that area on Sunday. On the way down on Saturday, we stopped at a few
>      places including the Rio Matape at San Jose de Pimas and stopped at
>      Baviacora on Monday during the return trip.
>         We saw at least 110 species and probably over 115 once we sort out
>      a few mystery butterflies. Because of the unusually wet rainy season
>      butterflies were as abundant as Doug (who has been going down for more
>      than 10 years) can remember. One puddle-party had 1000's of
>      butterflies with probably 35 species.
>         Since this is only my second trip to this area, I'm not sure what
>      is really good, but the highlights for me were: Broad-banded
>      Swallowtail (Papilio astyalus), the many puddle-parties filled with
>      Pierids- Oranges, Sulphurs, and Yellows, the graceful Yellow-angled
>      and White-angeled Sulphurs (Anteos maerula and clorinde), 10 species
>      of hairstreaks including the Creamy Stripestreak (Arawacus jada) with
>      an impossible NABA English name (try saying "stripestreak" three times
>      fast or even once slow for that matter), that we all decided to go
>      with the scientific name (Sorry, Jeff Glassberg et al!), several
>      fanastic looking Blue (or now Maria) Metalmark (Lasaia maria), a few
>      Rosita Patch (Chlosyne rosita), many Elf (Microtia elva) which I kept
>      calling a Pixie (Melanis pixie) much to the temporary excitement of my
>      companions, the little Hepburn's Patch (Texola hepburni), which is
>      really a checkerspot, the Texan Crescent (Anthanassa texana) was by
>      far the most common butterfly on the trip, a Blackened Bluewing
>      (Myscelia cyanthe), my personal favorites: a Glaucous and a
>      Black-patched Cracker (Hamadryas glauconome and atlantis) which landed
>      briefly on a few of us, a Kawinski's Beauty (Smyrna karwinskii) was
>      one of the few I personally missed and regretted the most (but then I
>      would have missed the Blackened Bluewing), Tropical Leafwing (Anaea
>      aidea) was downright common, we picked out a Soldier (Danaus eresimus)
>      among the many Queen (D. glippus).
>         And then the skippers-- Starting out with the showy Dull Firetip
>      (Pyrrhopype araxes), another questionable NABA English name, a number
>      of longtails including: many Dorantes (Urbanus dorantes), Long-tailed
>      Skipper (D. proteus), probable Mexican (Polythrix asine),
>      White-striped (Chioides catillus) and Zilpa (C. zilpa); Skinner's
>      Cloudywing (Achalarus albocilatus), the oddly named and postured
>      Fritzgaertner's Flat (Celaenorrhinus fritzgaertneri) which was finally
>      well seen after fleeting and tantalizing glimpses of an earlier
>      individual which we thought would be destined to become one of the
>      mystery creatures, the velvety black Orsines Bolla (Bolla orsines),
>      the perplexing scallopwings (Staphylus) for which we had pictures of
>      only 3 of the 6 species, and other than the quite distintive
>      Golden-headed (S. ceos) are really tough. Doug tentatively, at least
>      IDed one as a Mazans (S. mazans), but not knowing what 3 of them look
>      like, I decided to pass on adding that one to my life list. Emorsa
>      Skipper (Antigonus emorsa) was the most common of the skippers, the
>      several Texas Powered Skipper (Systasea pulverulenta) always rated a
>      "WOW," all four white-skippers (Heliopetes) were found: Erichson's (H.
>      domicella), Northern (H. ericetorum), Laviana (H. laviana) and
>      Turk's-cap (H. macaira), a handful of the Common Streaky-Skipper
>      (Celotes nessus) never failed to amuse me, looking so rumpled (the
>      butterfly, not me). We had very few grass skippers (Hesperiniinae
>      subfamily) with Prenda Roadside Skipper (Amblyscirtes prenda) being
>      the most common.
>         By the end of trip, the NABA members had learned a lot of the
>      scientific names and Doug had picked up on some of the English names,
>      but I don't think you will ever hear him calling a Arawacus jada a
>      Creamy Stripestreak.
>         On Tuesday, after this weekend, all of the NABA folks wandered over
>      to Garden Canyon in Fort Huachuca for a bit of slower paced butterfly
>      watching. A couple of puddle parties turned up 7 species of blues (we
>      had had only 3 species in Mexico) including the Rita Blue (Euphilotes
>      rita), a new one for me. The highlight of day had to be the endemic
>      Huachuca Giant-Skipper (Agathymus evansi) which posed on rock for all
>      of us to get a good and long look. Red-bordered Satyr (Gyrocheilus
>      patrobas) was voted the coolest looking butterfly for the day.
>                                                          ----Fred

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