Killing butterflies and habitat destruction

tom at tom at
Thu Sep 24 12:17:45 EDT 1998

In article <76541 at> Neil at NWJONES.DEMON.CO.UK writes:
>I have been following yet again the debate on killing butterflies.
>This is a regular item and I have compiled a rather makeshift FAQ
>on my web site at

See Larry Orsak's article, "Killing Butterflies to Save Butterflies"
at: which was originally
published in News of the Lepidoptera Society 3:70-80 (1993).

Also, I would be happy to snail-mail a reprint of my article (which reviews
this topic), "A comparison of price, rarity and cost of butterlfy
specimens: Implications for the insect trade and for habitat
conservation" (Slone, Orsak & Malver; Ecological Economiccs 21:77-85,
1997) to anyone who is interested.

--Tom Slone
tom at

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