
Sharyn Fernandez botany at
Mon Sep 28 16:05:09 EDT 1998


Quite interesting [g-}] (Col. Clink) this "stand-off between"
"environmental educators" and "collectors" ... the former criticizing the
later for collecting, (other than 'scientific',I'd hope ?), and the later
criticizing the former (or should be?) for doing "butterfly releases"...BTW
what is the protozoa that the Monarchs are affected by,and how is this
contracted/spread? (i can see a place for both, in "moderation"... won't
get into 'pollution of both getting to "natural areas", or pollution of
having photographs developed, since it is a lotmore convenient to take
photos, altho' you can't see both sides of the species photographed;
neither can you examine structures under a microscope to determine species,
which I hope "us" environmental educators would acknowledge, and reconcile
to their "students", somewhere along the line, validating the need for
"reference collections"....
--aloha & adios, Sharyn

Sharyn Fernandez
"Recreational development is a job not of building roads into  lovely country
but of building receptivity (inroads-sic) into the still unlovely human
mind" - Aldo Leopold. SAND COUNTY ALMANAC (Conservation Esthetic) c. 1949 

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