Trees used by Monarch butterflies in California

Paul Cherubini paulcher at
Wed Sep 30 06:50:04 EDT 1998

Mark Walker wrote:

>         Actually, I'm surprised that someone hasn't tried this already.  My
> guess is that it would work if the structure provided sufficient surface
> area and protection from the elements.  I wonder if other cues might not be
> important, including color.  I don't get the feeling that chicken wire alone
> would be very successful.
>         Anyway, it sounds like a simple enough experiment - but I don't know
> how a researcher could pull it off without upsetting someone on this list...

At the San Leandro Marina Golf Course in San Leandro, California a chain
link fence runs underneath the canopy of eucalyptus trees where the
monarchs form their clusters.  On hot days when the butterflies seek
cool temperatures and deep shade, they will cluster on the shaded
portions of the chain link fence because it is cooler there than high up
in the tree canopy.

Paul Cherubini, El Dorado, California

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