Lepidoptera In Medicine ( UK Horse )

Dr Ian Dunn ianadunn at globalnet.co.uk
Fri Apr 2 14:02:34 EST 1999

In article <922995751.621.64 at excite.com>, Charles Gavette
<URL:mailto:timbukt2 at excite.com> wrote:
> Cordyceps, the fungus pathogenic to Lepidoptera was one of the 4 tonic
> medicines used in the following report.
> This is an appropriate day to post this, seeing that the western press
> overlooked or ignored it. It does tend to make western medicine look like
> the horse's rear end.
>   "A Report Of 8 Serconverted HIV/AIDS Patients With Traditional Chinese
> Medicine," Chinese Medical Journal,


 CONCLUSIONS: AIDS is a reversible disease. Using medicinal herbs to
> enhance the immune function will facilitate the appearance of seronegative
> conversion, which has not been reported befoe. If it could be confirmed, its
> mechanism elucidated, this may greatly strengthen the confidence of the
> patients." (Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih, May; 17(5) pp.
> 271-273)

Speaking as someone looking out from the horse's rear in the NHS UK I would
be very impressed , *if* , this is reproducible on large numners of people
elsewhere in the world , otherwise just one more piece of nonsense

Ian ( GP ) 

Dr Ian Dunn mailto ianadunn at globalnet.co.uk
Monsanto Monopoly Monoculture Mayhem Megamess
I'm saying
NO NO thankyou 

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