Journey North 1999 Appreciates Your Reports/Receives Award

Donald A. Davis donald.davis at
Fri Apr 9 13:00:11 EDT 1999

Journey North, the internet-based program that follows the arrival of spring
across North American through first sightings has just been awarded a "Webby" as
the best educational site on the Web.

Please continue to support the 4000+ classrooms in Canada and the U.S.A. that
use Journey North data in their science studies.

Your "First Sightings" reports can be sent directly to Journey North, but you
must register with the program (for quality control reasons). Otherwise, you can
send your reports to me and I will forward them.

I am particularly interested in "first sightings" of migrating monarch
butterflies. However, Journey North is also interested in first sightings of:
hummingbird, oriole, loon, leaf-out (aspen, dogwood, redbud), first maple syrup
sap run, tulips (emerged, bloomed).

You can view their database of sightings at:

Don Davis
Toronto, ON

Yesterday sunny
and 64 F. Yea!!!

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