vote on it

Charles Gavette timbukt2 at
Thu Apr 15 03:02:22 EDT 1999

petitions are fine with me as long as we include a petition to de-regulate a
fascist attitude to what is to be called a topic. if god is dead, it is only
because of his own good health, by not realizing the inherent pathology
within his own archetype. in other words, some call it the "violence found
within peace." it asks us to be nice and have everything prearranged, a
programmed fermentation. to open the windows and let in a breath of fresh
air scares the tyrants who scan the horizon looking for guilt. categorizing
in this way is a scission, and is precisely the neurotic symptoms we are
addressing when we talk about what we can do for the environment. it HAS to
move toward the political, the philosophical. what other object can be held
up as an image of free speech against all of those who would use the fear of
getting reprimanded and blamed for being deemed "incongruent with existing
states of alienation!" to speak of our alienation from nature draws a reply
that threatens to alienate? are you serious? i would not want to live with
the UFO cop in your head. i initiate changes, for example, by thanking
people for walking, even inside of buildings. fascism can only be addressed
by divergence from such narrow-mindedness, so what else is left but to
attack it and ask us to presuppose an errance? try thinking of alternate
things we all can do in our practice of space. everyday that i don't drive
has done something for the planet and its butterflies, its host plants. but
to castrate expression, creativity, open discourse, rather than offer any
alternative? i actually shook a few people from their dogmatic slumber
today. it is my own personal little history. did others accomplish something
other than live another day as the great insulated marshmallow man in
paradise....or look for a village scapegoat/sacrifice? what is really
psychotic is that you ask people not to take sides in a debate on a subject
that is yearning for clarification, whose collective effects are not alien
to what is going on in Kosovo. ok, if a war broke out in the U.S. what
measures can we take to protect the butterflies? can Kosovo be a possible
model for us in the future? you are asking us to be the most chickenshit of
soldiers: willing to kill, yet afraid to die. pornography. (I'll watch it
though, if it's televised)

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