
Jim Taylor 1_iron at
Thu Apr 15 07:50:47 EDT 1999

Think we could all go away and leave ole Charles with this list? Anyone have
a constructive suggestion about how to stop this drivel?
Jim Taylor
----- Original Message -----
From: Charles Gavette <timbukt2 at>
To: <leps-l at>
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 1999 6:27 AM
Subject: topic

> clean air and water. responsible attempts to reverse the degredation of
> environment. complacency and repression is the price you pay. many of you
> cannot go walking about preaching against the accelerated, extended eros
> fossil fuel. but one would look ridiculous("what would the neighbors
> think"?) when one got back in their car. trapped in the double blackmail
> the Desert Fathers, either way you pay: norms without pathologizings in
> their images perform a normalizing upon our psychological vision, acting
> repressive idealizations which make us lose touch with our individual
> abnormalities. the normalcy fantasy becomes itself a distortion of the way
> things actually are. denial, and it is a monstrous one. even if we are
> outnumbered, striving to reverse desertification has something to do with
> lepidoptera, but it is too "on topic" to feel. it is too uncomfortable for
> us to address, so we deny it. others have stated on this list that it is
> human mind that should be held accountable in this race towards death. are
> butterfly scientists going to begin to shake themselves from denial and
> admit some pathology into the situation? statistical laws are not true
> absolutely, but only 'essentially' or 'mostly true.' do the statistics
> that there is a constant decline, a slow, insidious degredation of the
> overall environment, thereby leading to the loss of lepidoptera species?
> what is the major cause of degredation of the environment? land
> are there are too many people on the planet for the amount of cars, or too
> many places that cars have to go so that each of us must take this drug? i
> know of someone who happened to be simply riding in a car whose driver was
> smoking cannbis. the next day going to a temp agency to apply for work,
> taking a urine test that showed positive, and signing a waiver before the
> process that states that the information can go to any other temp agency
> the nation. again, the double blackmail of the machine that eliminates
> competition in the drug/car trade. 666
> we need not post here. please, tell me if you would like to see the desert
> fathers eat sand for a change, and your devious plans to change things to
> that affect. no, experiences are not personal things to
> them as irrelevant is a blatant cop-out, an ostrich imitation.
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