"Nymphalis vaualbum" taxonomy

Zdravko Kolev kolev at cc.helsinki.fi
Sat Apr 17 09:37:08 EDT 1999

Soren Nylin <snylin at ZOOLOGI.SU.SE> wrote:


: 2) Can anyone more familiar with the rules than I am decide if there is an
: available genus for "vaualbum"?  Scudder placed the species in Eugonia
: Hubner, which is not used now that I know of, but the type species for this
: genus is polychloros which of course remains in Nymphalis and is also the
: type for this genus. The firsts description may have been under the genus
: Phalaena, but this is one of the old genera which was used for everything..
: What are the rules regarding generic names?

Recently a genus name was proposed for vau-album/l-album: Roddia Korshunov 1995?
(can't remember the year of publication exactly as I don't have the book
at hand right now; I can give you the full reference and a quote later);
The source is a book by O. Korshunov and P. Gorbunov (1995?): "Dnevnye 
babochki aziatskoj chasti Rossii [The butterflies of the Asian part of
Russia] published in Russian. According to the description, the genus is
monotypic and has characters intermediate between Polygonia and Nymphalis. I
am not aware of earlier genus names for the species.

Best regards,

Zdravko Kolev

: Soren Nylin
: Lecturer/Associate Professor of Animal Ecology

: http://www.zoologi.su.se/research/ecology.html

: Coordinator of graduate courses in Ecology, Ethology and Evolution

: http://www.zoologi.su.se/education/PhD-BIOLOGY/biohome.html

: Department of Zoology
: Stockholm University
: S-106 91 Stockholm

: Soren.Nylin at zoologi.su.se
: Tel +46-8-164033	Fax 167715

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