FWD: Banded Orange Heliconian - So TX

wanda be496 at lafn.org
Sat Apr 17 14:00:57 EDT 1999

Dear Mike,

	Just checked the most up-to-date Atlas of US Records by Opler, Stanford
& Pavulaan (electronic comp of Atlas of Western USA BF) @
Their Texas map shows 3 counties w/records and usual flight times in
Texas as July & December.  Also shows how to report new sightings.....

	This site has long had a wealth of information!!!   Now that it has
been revised so that one can see more readily what is available and be
able to move around more easily, it is just fantastic!   Not only can
you download a list for your particular County, you can get specific
info on caterpillar  foodplants, adult favorite nectar sources,
identification, the latest distribution, book listings for each state,
etc. etc. etc.

						Cheers, Wanda 

PS   I predict that as #'s of butterfliers increase, there will be
vastly increased sightings = knowledge of distribution, etc.  just as
there has been in the birding world with the enormous expansion of
birding in the last 15 years!   However, we'll have to be careful to get
photos or specimens to maintain our credibility as we interface with the
longtime professional group, as has been done with this butterfly!   Let
us know the results!

LANABA\Flutterby Press
Los Angeles

Mike Quinn wrote:
> >From TX-Butterfly Listserver:
> ---FWD---
> Date:         Sat, 17 Apr 1999
> Sender: Audubon Texas butterfly discussion <TX-BUTTERFLY at LIST.AUDUBON.ORG>
> From: Mike Quinn <mqnature at hiline.net>
> Subject:      Banded Orange Heliconian - So TX
> Banded Orange Heliconian *Dryadula phaetusa*
> TEXAS: Hidalgo Co.,
> Audubon Center
> 11 April 1999
> Lehman & Lindsay
> On Sunday, 11 April 1999, Richard Lehman, Audubon Center Director, and
> Madge Lindsay, World Birding Center Project Leader, both observed a large
> orange and black banded butterfly that they recognized as a non-Julia
> Heliconian. Later, they both confidently identified it as a Banded Orange
> Heliconian *Dryadula phaetusa* from Opler's "A Field Guide to Eastern
> Butterflies."
> I first suggested their sighting might have been of the more common
> Isabella Heliconian *Eueides isabella* but they rejected that as a
> possibility as there was no yellow in the forewings. No yellow in the
> forewings also negates the possibility of Tiger Mimic-Queen *Lycorea
> cleobaea*.
> Now before everyone starts to arguing, I must also report that a well known
> lepidopterist believes she observed and photographed the same species at
> the Santa Ana NWR Butterfly Garden on 15 April, 1999!!! I will pass on more
> details of this second sighting when her film comes back from the developer
> on the 20th. I am mentioning it now to alert other butterfliers in the area
> to keep an eye out.
> The SANWR Butterfly garden is 10 miles to the southwest of the Audubon
> Center at 12th and Texas Blvd. in Weslaco.
>         Here's what the guides say in chronological order for this species:
> Kimball, 1965, (The Lepidoptera of Florida): "The records for this species
> do not appear sound, although they may be perfectly valid. The fact that a
> total of fourteen specimens were collected at two different localities on
> two different dates, but that no other collector has ever seen the insect,
> indicates the need for more substantiation. IV. [VI ?] Miami: Feb. 21,
> 1932, (Grimshawe). LACM. VIII. Key Largo: Feb. 10, 1932, (Grimshawe), LACM."
> Scott, 1986: "Many flights all year in Mex.; a rare stray from Mex. into s
> Fla. (Feb. 1932, 1947) and s Tex. (Dec. 1933). Adults are fairly local, but
> migration sometimes occurs."
> de la Maza & de la Maza, 1987: "Selva perennifolia y subperennifolia,
> principalmente en terrenos perturbados, en los estados de Veracruz (Fortin,
> El Vigia, Dos Amates), Oaxaca ... , Chiapas ... , y Guerrero ... . Mayo a
> agosto."
> Opler & Malikul, 1992: "Flight: All year in tropics; July, Dec. in Tex.
> Range: Tropical America from cen. Mexico south to Brazil. Rare vagrant
> north to Texas and Kans." No records are listed for Florida.
> Minno & Emmel, 1993, (Butterflies of the Florida Keys): "Status: Kimball
> (1965) located several individuals of this species from Key Largo in the
> Los Angeles County Museum (10 February 1932, Grimshawe). These specimens
> are probably mislabeled, but it is possible that the Banded Orange could
> have been temporarily established as that time. There are no recent records
> of *D. phaetisa* from Florida."
> Stanford & Opler, 1993, (Atlas of Western USA Butterflies) shows two Texas
> county records and one from Kansas. No records are shown for any Mexican
> state bordering the US.
> Neck, 1996: "Collected near Sarita in Kenedy Co., (1933) after severe
> hurricane; another record from Garland in Dallas Co. (1981).
> Club de Observadores de Mariposas, PAPALOTL. 1998. Butterfly Checklist from
> Monterrey, N. L., Mex. Does not list this species.
> 1999. The Lepidopterists' Society, Season Summary Query Results.
> http://pubweb.ent.msu.edu/lepsocdb/taxaform.htm No records. (Database
> established in 1995.)
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Mike Quinn North American Butterfly Association - South Texas
> <MQnature at hiline.net> 1708 Hunt Ave. Donna, TX 78537-2924
> NABA-SOTX: http://www.naba.org/chapters/nabast/index.html
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