non-target trap kills

Jonathan Sylvestre Jonathan.Sylvestre at
Sun Apr 18 20:57:25 EDT 1999

> Well, Jonathan, I just don't agree.  First of all, the argument that
> ignorance provides excuse is pretty weak.  It's just plain irresponsible
> do things without first thinking about all of the implications.  If a
> behavior is potentially destructive to the environment, regardless of the
> motive, then that behavior should be reconsidered.  At a minimum, it
> be correctly classified.
> Now don't get me wrong - I don't have a problem with driving my car.  I
> that there is going to be a price for that, but I've weighed out the
> that I have on the insect fauna, and I'm comfortable with where I stand.
> problem is with people who haven't carefully considered what sort of
> they have on the environment, but then take exception to my selectively
> killing insects merely for the pleasure of it.  It's the old pot and
> syndrome.
> I don't trap for moths, simply because I prefer the activities associated
> with chasing bugs with a net, so I can't really speak to the main issue.
> But I will say, as I've said many times before here, that I will defend my
> hobby in the face of environmental criticism until _they_ drag me away
> kicking and screaming (o.k., that wouldn't be a very appropriate way to
> behave, now would it?).  One can (and should) put forth the effort to
> provide scientific data - since while out hunting, every observation has
> scientific value - but the fact that I am not directly affiliated with
> institution should not prohibit me from interacting (sometimes
> with my environment.
> Uh oh, I think we've just regurgitated the always popular collecting
> debate...
> I'm outta here...
> Mark Walker
> Mission Viejo, CA
Thanks for your message Mark
You know what, I really agree what you said ... You know, IM not good in
english so its possible that I used wrong words to tell you what Im thinking
(for example, the word acceptable...)...

I must say that It happend to me to kill moth that I don't want... You know,
when there are undred of moths flying everywhere near the ligth trap its
difficult to "chose" which one will go in the killing jar...

Also, I want to add that IM a nature defender, Nature its the very very very
important to me and IM very very sad to see that nature was, are and will be

Jonathan Sylvestre
Home Page :
"Butterflies and Moths of Quebec"

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