
Chuck Vaughn aa6g at aa6g.org
Wed Apr 21 05:01:56 EDT 1999

Jonathan Sylvestre wrote:
> My question is where dermestrid come from ? How they find the specimens when
> the specimens are in drawers ? I think that they lay their eggs on the
> specimens while those specimens are drying on the board...

FWIW I wanted to relay my limited experiences. I have six wooden drawers that
I've had since the 1960's. Up until the mid 1990's there were no new
specimens added. I have always kept moth balls in the drawers. For nearly
30 years there were no infestations. Since I've added some new specimens
I have had two problems, both confined to the additions. I put those in a
"quaratine" drawer until I was sure the invaders were dead. In the worst case
I threw out the specimen.

About 20 years ago I received a dried flower arrangement that included a 
single Heliconid. The arrangment was in a plastic housing with a wooden
bottom (not sealed). Shortly thereafter there was an infestation. I added
mothballs for a few months. Since that time there has been no problem with
no mothballs at all.

Chuck Vaughn <aa6g at aa6g.org>

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