News from Hong Kong

Roger C. KENDRICK kendrick at
Wed Apr 21 15:42:48 EDT 1999

The Hong Kong Lepidoptera Group have now become an official body and registered
as the Hong Kong Lepidopterists' Society Limited (as of April 9th, the HKLS
became a registered company in Hong Kong). The HKLS is currently seeking
charitable company status under HK company statue.

As a result of this change, the HKLS has launched a partially redesigned
website with a new URL (see below). It is likely that this will be changed at
some point in the short term future to reflect a shorter and more appropriate
domain name, so webmasters who have already linked to the HKLG website may wish
to hold back from changing the URL until further notice (or use the current
HKLS site until further notice). Once the HKLS site is fully functional, the
old HKLG website will cease to operate.
Thank you to the 2,500 visitors who stopped by the HKLG website in the past 15

The HKLS will be funded in part by subscription; membership details will be
announced on the new website shortly. Overseas members will be welcomed! It
should be stressed here that the HKLS is a conservation organisation and
commercial trading in livestock or deadstock is not part of our remit, so no
requests along these lines, please.

best regards,

Roger Kendrick
(Chairman, 1999-2000, HKLS)

  Demonstrator / Ph.D. Student
  Dept. of Ecology & Biodiversity, The University of Hong Kong
  mailto:kendrick at

mailing address:
  Kadoorie Agricultural Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong
  Lam Kam Road, Shek Kong, Yuen Long, New Territories, HONG KONG

Hong Kong Moths website coordinator

HK Lepidoptera Group webmaster (English version)

HK Lepidopterists' Society (English version) [NEW]
  (may be redesignated to
  (and will eventually replace the HKLG site)

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