payless shoes & bflys

Rev Chuck cdub at
Wed Apr 21 04:34:36 EDT 1999

Ted Ryznar wrote:
> Just saw a commercial for Payless Shoes stating the average butterfly takes
> 3 days to expand his wings completely.  I have never seen it take 3 days.
> has anyone else seen it take this long?
> thanks for your time.

In my experience, 2 to 3 hours for monarch, black swallowtail, cecropia, 
polyphemus, luna.  By day 3, the average butterfly is a veteran of enough 
bird encounters to leave its wings tattered around the edges.  

Nothing says you're insane like prayer.  
Rev Chuck, Alt.Atheism #203, Ordained Reverend, ULC, 17 March, 1997.
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