sex determination
Joe Kunkel
joe at
Wed Apr 28 18:36:26 EDT 1999
I am not sure about the timing of the sex of butterflies, but
_Drosophila_ sex is determined tissue by tissue at different times.
This has been established using temperature sensitive sex determination
genes such as tra2^ts. By switching growing-cultures of tra2 from a
permissive temperature (18 C) to a non-permissive temp (29 C) and
following the sex of the emerging adults one can determine when each
tissue has its sex determined. The genetics of most lepidoptera are
little known or developed to the degree as in _Drosophila_. Perhaps an
expert in the moth _Ephestia kuhniella_ might be able to comment on sex
determination timing in leps. I think it is the Lep with the best
You can read more about _Drosophila_ sex determination at URL:
joe kunkel
> Hi all,
> does anybody klnow when the sex of a butterfly is determined? Is it
> set in the egg right after laing? Or is it possible to change the sex by
> e.g. temperature after the egg is laid like in some fish?
> Thanks in advance,
> Andrea Knebel
> University Bielefeld,
> Germany
Joseph G. Kunkel, Professor
Biology Department joe at
University of Massachusetts
Amherst MA 01003
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