Apology (again!!) ...or not

Robert Butcher r.d.j.butcher at dundee.ac.uk
Wed Apr 28 12:19:48 EDT 1999

Hi, everyone,
Ive just returned from lunch to find that my personal reply to Joe 
(re: sex determination in leps) is in fact posted to the whole list. 
Ive been here before, and since thought that i had configured the 
system so that it wouldnt do this. Alas not, or at least i am 
not taking sufficient care.
Therefore I apologise to all those not interested in this subject for 
my error (again) in filling your mail boxes. I had just returned from 
a several all day and night field trip with 600 miles driving, the 
inevitable beers, and so wasnt fully awake (or alas thinking, sorry 
Andrea) and decided to therefore read my e-mails rather than 
experiment untill sleep occured).

....... except having just read Joe's reply mail on the list , I have 
to admit i agree, we as "a group" need to air these discussions 
(sex determination or any other molecular / genetic aspect of Lep 
biology) as much as any other issues to do with DISCUSSION  (for 
once in my life, caps are intended) about Lep biology, as long as 
they are in a format acessable to all. 
Therefore whilst i still apologise to all who werent interested 
still, and to Andrea for being half asleep, and whilst i have learnt 
a lot, i hope at least some of you also have appreciated this topic. 

Robert Butcher,
Evolutionary and Ecological Entomology Unit,
Department of Biological Sciences,
Dundee University,
Dundee, DD1 4HN,
Tayside, Scotland,
Work Phone:- 01382-344291 (Office), 01382-344756 (Lab).
Fax:- 01382-344864
e-mail:- r.d.j.butcher at dundee.ac.uk

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