WANTED: moths+skippers for genetics

Domino Joyce daj671 at novell5.bham.ac.uk
Thu Apr 29 14:18:54 EDT 1999


I'm working on the conservation genetics of various species of 
Lepidoptera. I desperately need help in obtaining samples.

In particular, Carterocephalus palaemon, a skipper, from 
Scandinavia and Canada. Also, two moth species; Thetidia smaragdaria 
and Pareulype berberata from anywhere they are common.

If you can help, or know anybody who can, please get in touch!


 Domino Joyce
School of Biological Sciences,
University of Birmingham,
Birmingham  B15 2TT

Tel: 0121 4145897
E-mail: d.a.joyce at bham.ac.uk
Fax:(0)121 4145925

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