First Painted Lady (C.cardui) and Red Admiral (V.atalanta) arrived in South-Germany

ian ijwaller at
Fri Apr 30 15:52:24 EDT 1999

>"Walter Schön" wrote:
>> Not unusualy for late April, I observed the first Painted Lady (Cynthia
>> cardui, 29.4.)  and Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta, 25.4.) here in
>> South-Germany (near Lake Constance).

>Klaus Hermansen <klh at> writes
>One V. cardui was seen 29.4.1999 on Zealand 

No V. atalanta yet but, my first C. cardui was also on the 29.04.99 in
Co. Durham, England. It was faded but not worn.

The same day and spot, I also had 4 Green hairstreak, (C.rubi) exactly
one year and one day from my first, last year.

I have also had a second hand report of a Large Tortoiseshell 
(N. polychloros) from Blaydon, (Newcastle area) on Easter weekend. It
was in the same garden for two days and was chasing off Peacocks. 
Have any others been reported from the U.K.?.


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