Hesperia story

John Fleckenstein JFMM490 at wadnr.gov
Tue Aug 10 11:56:30 EDT 1999

At least swinging at butterflies gives you a good upper body workout.  I'm embarassed to think of the number of empty swings I've made.  Or worse, the (relatively few) times I've swung ten times in succession at a skipper, then discovered another one had been in the net all along.  I've given lots of thought to a minature cannon net, like waterfowl folks use.  

Yesterday I suffered a different problem.  Several Ephydryas were hill topping where I ate lunch.  I did the rest of the hill top, then came back to confirm their ID.  They were, of course, gone.  Who sez we're trainable.

John Fleckenstein, zoologist
Natural Heritage Program
Forest Resources Division
EMail: John.Fleckenstein
Phone: 360-902-1674

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