A good source for pictures of butterflies?

Oscar Gutierrez romgut at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 10 21:23:41 EDT 1999

I have a few on my website and I'll be adding some more soon:

For European butterflies and others this is a great site:


And for butterflies of Singapore (Asia) this another good one:



>From: redshift17 at aol.com.UghSpam (Erica )
>Reply-To: redshift17 at aol.com.UghSpam
>To: leps-l at lists.yale.edu
>Subject: A good source for pictures of butterflies?
>Date: 11 Aug 1999 00:27:21 GMT
>I'm looking for a good source for pictures of butterflies that I can 
>from the net, preferably pictures of butterflies in flight, or in nature. 
>good sources you guys know of, such aas FTP's, or great websites? I did a 
>web searches, but all I found was pictures of butterflies that had been 
>and were pinned down.
>redshift17 at aol.com
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