Geometrid Moths of the World: A Catalogue, by MJ Scoble, Natural History Museum, London

Ian Shelley ianjs at
Tue Aug 17 03:04:54 EDT 1999

Dear Lepidopterists,

I am trying to find lepidopterists in Asia interested in Geometrid
Moths to inform them of an important new publication.

CSIRO Publishing has published a catalogue (in two volumes plus CDROM) of
the 35,000 names of these insects. This work was done by MJ Scoble of the
National History Museum London and is available in Asia by contacting me at
the coordinates below. Details of the catalogue follow.

I look forward to hearing from you if you have an interest in Geometrid

Best regards,

Ian Shelley
Asian Office
CSIRO Publishing

Ian J. Shelley
20 Yew Siang Road
#03-03 Flynn Park
Singapore 117756

email: ianjs at
tel/fax: (65) 476 4117
Geometrid Moths of the World
International Edition
A Catalogue

MJ Scoble
Natural History Museum, London

1304 pp in 2 hardback volumes plus CD-ROM
June 1999	$295.00		0 643 06304 8S

The Geometridae is one of the most species-rich families of Lepidoptera.
This book is the first comprehensive catalogue of the 35 000 names of these

The primary purpose of the work is to provide a substantial body of
taxonomic information, much of it previously unpublished, on the available
names of the Geometridae. The catalogue is based on the most complete world
classification of the geometrids, the card index to genera and species in
The Natural History Museum, London.

The two volumes include information on type specimens, type localities and,
where possible, larval foodplants. A CD-ROM listing all species referred to
in the two text volumes is included with the package and will be of great
value to verify valid names and to check spelling.

By compiling this high-quality catalogue of geometrid moths Dr Scoble and
his dedicated co-workers have rendered evolutionary biology an immense
service. By giving access to the generic arrangement adopted in the
unrivalled collections of The Natural History Museum, the Catalogue also
provides managers of other collections with the . . . basis for curation of
their entire geometrid holdings from many parts of the world.
Professor Niels P. Kristensen, Department of Entomology, Zoological Museum,
University of Copenhagen

Geometridae is one of the most species-rich families of Lepidoptera and
hence of living organisms. This Catalogue is the first complete inventory
of the named fauna of the family, a thorough synthesis of its known
diversity and a critical resource to anyone studying biodiversity. The work
is compiled by the outstanding scientist in the field and is based on the
collections, card index, library and other legacy data in The Natural
History Museum, as well as information from many other sources. It is a
truly significant contribution to the inventory of life on earth.
Ebbe S. Nielsen, Director, Australian National Insect Collection

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