evolution in KS

James J. Kruse kruse at nature.berkeley.edu
Tue Aug 17 23:26:35 EDT 1999

Mark Walker wrote:

> Well, Jim, what you describe above is exactly what has happened over the
> past 30 years - only it's the theory of evolution and it's proponents that
> have been guilty - not creationists.  I, for one, completely support the
> idea of allowing all competing theories - and for allowing the people to
> make up their own minds.  This is precisely what has not been happening in
> the public arena over the past decades, so your argument appears ill posed.
> But then I'm sure you really mean to practice what you preach - and that you
> would in fact embrace the co-teaching of the science of creationism in
> schools along with the theories involving evolution.  Maybe we can co-author
> a petition to the Kansas State Board of Education - along with the other 49
> states?
> Mark Walker.

Mark, you assume that science and religion are in competition.  I no more
see creationism as a competing scientific theory than I see evolution as a

Jim Kruse

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