evolution in Kansas

Jim Mason jmason at ink.org
Wed Aug 18 10:01:40 EDT 1999

As a "local" I would only point out that this matter has made the voters of
Kansas realize that they need to pay more attention to the electoral
process.  The Republican party in Kansas-which controls both houses and the
executive branch-is viciously split between religious conservatives and
moderates, and the anti-evolution decision by the conservative-dominated
Board of E. has the moderates sharpening their spears.  The Governor (who
opposed the recent action by the Board of E.) has also indicated he will be
introducing legislation in the next session to revise the makeup of the
state Board of E.  So, the issue will arise again in these parts next
spring.  (Is this an example of punctuated equilibrium?!?)

Jim Mason, Naturalist
jmason at ink.org
(316) 683-5499 x103
Great Plains Nature Center
6232 E. 29th St. N.
Wichita, KS 67220-2200

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