[SoWestLep] Black Witch foodplants
John Lane
johnlane at nccn.net
Sat Aug 21 17:27:06 EDT 1999
Looking over my pair of Tietz (heh, heh, heh) I find listed as reported hosts: Acacia hecurrens, Cassia fistula, Ficus
carica, Gymnocladus dioica, Pithecellobium unguiscate, and Samanea saman.
Tietz repeated many an error, so perhaps all aren't valid. But it seems Legumes are favored.
John Lane
Bruce Walsh wrote:
> From: Bruce Walsh <jbwalsh at U.Arizona.EDU>
> Anyone out there with experience rearing Black Witch moths? I'm in
> e-mail contact with someone in the US midwest who has a batch of eggs and does
> not know what to feed them. Various legumes have been tried, w/o success.
> Any suggestions and/or anywhere reared this before?
> Cheers
> Bruce
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