[Fwd: Butterflies "under the influence"?]
Patricia & Jeff Harding
jmh at proaxis.com
Sun Aug 22 10:50:24 EDT 1999
Patricia & Jeff Harding wrote:
> Last year we had a red Admiral, Vanessa atalanta, that was territorial around a
> particular spot in the pasture. If you went there in the late afternoon, and
> stood facing west, it would always come and land on your shirt. It did not seem
> to matter what color shirt you wore.
> Cheers, Jeff
> Charles Henry wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > In my garden on the sunny Isle of Wight are several golden gage (plum)
> > trees. Last year there was rather a severe wind which caused some of the
> > fruit to fall just before being fully ripe. When I cut the grass, much of
> > this fruit was squashed and left on the grass. A day or so later, whilst
> > standing watching the red admirals and peacock butterflies landing and
> > feeding on the, what must have been, fermenting "yuk", I was amazed that
> > many of them landed on my white shirt and even when I moved, did not fly off
> > immediately.
> >
> > I suppose this is an example of what we call, "Dutch courage", but I'll
> > never forget the experience.
> >
> > Chas.
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