Knowing the past?

richard a fagerlund fagerlun at
Fri Aug 27 15:53:04 EDT 1999

I think the biggest mistake people are making with this creation/evolution
debate is that they are two totally separate concepts.  What should be
debated is whether or not we want an 18 billion (more or less) year
evolution taught in school or a 6 day evolution (apparently God took
Saturday off).  Most people, even the Pope, believes in the former.  The
only people who subscribe to a 6 day evolution are Christian
fundamentalists and biblical literalists.  The creation  on the other hand
is a different story.  90% percent of the world's population believes the
universe is the result of intelligent design.  The other 10% either has no
opinion or believes that a billion and one chemical reactions took place
resulting in some sort of biological serendipity and "poof" the amoeba.
Personally I find that theory a bit bizarre and prefer to believe in the
Supreme Being, intelligent design method.

It can be debated which evolution to teach, 6 day or long term, but
neither of the creation possibilities should be taught in schools as
neither can be proven or disproven.

Richard Fagerlund, BCE
Environmental Services             Mail:  993 Orchid SW                          
University of New Mexico                  Rio Rancho, NM 87124      
E-mail: fagerlun at                  (505) 896-2524
(505) 277-9904
            "If you don't go within, you go without"

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