Selection and non-random variation

Bruce Walsh jbwalsh at
Mon Aug 30 10:37:58 EDT 1999


" You can argue all you
 like about whether other processes operate as well as natural
 but no one can maintain that natural selection won't work at all."

--> I agree with the latter part of this statement, but the implication
of the
first that other processes are somehow just a matter of argument would be
inaccurate since patterns of concerted evolution (basically involving 
an orthogenetic process) have been demonstrated>>


Concerted evolution (i.e., molecular drive) cannot overpower natural
selection expect with the latter is extremely week.  For example, see 

Walsh, B. , 1983.  Role of biased gene conversion in one-locus neutral
	theory and genome evolution.  Genetics  105: 461-468.

Walsh, B. ,  1985.  Interaction of selection and biased gene conversion
in a 	multigene family.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA  82: 153-157.

Walsh, B. ,  1986.  Selection and biased gene conversion in a multigene
	family: consequences of interallelic bias and threshold selection. 
Genetics  	112: 699-716.


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