Looking for Livestock

Atlas marioiop at tiscalinet.it
Wed Dec 1 07:17:50 EST 1999

I'm an Italian lepidoptera breeder. My principal interest are Saturniidae
and I'm looking for someone who can supply livestock (as pupae or eggs) even
out of own country. Actually I haven't nothing to exchange, so I can buy.
Below are the species I'm looking for:
Argema mittrei and mimosae (eggs)
Attacus (all species, except of atlas) (eggs/cocoons)
Bunaea alcinoe (possibly eggs)
Gonimbrasia thyrrea (eggs)
Coscinocera hercules (eggs)
Rothschildia orizaba (eggs/cocoons)
Antheraea assamensis (eggs/cocoons)
Antherina suraka (eggs)
Caligula (=Dictyoploca) thibeta
Lobobunaea (acetes, phaedus, satrnus)
Pseudantheraea discrepans
Imbrasia (cytherea, gueinzii, macrops, macrothyris, rubra, wahlbergi,
Epiphora (ploetzi, rectifasciata, vacuna)
If someone, during the year, sell some of these species, please keep me

e-mail: marioiop at tiscalinet.it

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