SEAZ Butterfly Club

Hank Brodkin hankb at
Wed Feb 3 18:46:33 EST 1999

nottke wrote:
> Hank,
> Sorry I can't make the first mtg or field trip of your new outfit.  I wish
> you well.  BUT, I will be in Ruidoso, New Mexico, in early April for about
> 5 days.  Do you know of any organized butterfly activity in that area?  Or
> a good guide to SW butterflies?
> I am the editor of the "Chrysalis", newsletter of the Carolina Butterfly
> Society.
> Thanks.
> Jim

Jim -
I am cc'ing this to Leps-L for others to help you.
I know of no organized group in New Mexico.
Books that might help you:
James Scott "Butterflies of North America"
Neck "A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Texas"
Bailowitz & Brock "The Butterflies of Southeast Arizona"
? "Butterflies of the Rocky Mountain States" - or something like that -
I can't seem to lay my hands on it right now.
Good Luck!
		  Hank Brodkin
	Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
		31.45N, 110.27W
	Send Mailto:hankb at

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