butterfly houses

Nigel Venters venters at interalpha.co.uk
Sun Feb 7 04:12:51 EST 1999

kimba <tictok at lakeset.net> wrote in article
<p9Qu2.8987$QU6.52378110 at c01read10.service.talkway.com>...
>  I need to know if any one has had luck with a butterfly house?  
> Where did you put it?  any hints will be appreaciated........

I assumed that this was a request for details on building an effective
enclosure for breeding butterflies for release, re-establishing rare
species, or just learning more about their life history.

It wasn't until I saw Anne Kilmer's reply that I realised what you were all
talking about. You mean there is a market for that sort of crap in the US?
I'm staggered!

Anyway as a breeder of butterflies I would be interested to discuss by
E-Mail with others who are also into breeding butterflies. 

Nigel Venters

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