RFI: Vanessa atalanta in winter

Morten DD Hansen biomddh at biology.au.dk
Wed Feb 10 07:48:31 EST 1999

Hello from Denmark

I have some questions about Red Admirals in winter. I hope that
lepidopterists from lower latitudes can inform me on these subjects

* When does the Red Admiral breed in winter in your area?
* In how many generations?
* When do they start their northbound migration?
* Do they breed in summer?

kind regards and thanks in advance
Morten DD Hansen, stud. scient.
Dept. of Zoology, Institute of Bioloical Sciences
Building 135, University of Aarhus
Universitetsparken, DK-8000 Aarhus C
Telephone: +45 8942 2695
e-mail: biomddh at biology.au.dk

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