Livestock/Papered Specimens February 1999

Annette Leslie-South nigel at
Tue Feb 16 15:33:57 EST 1999

We at  Butterfly Connections are in our 10th successful year of trading and
are one of the biggest suppliers of Butterfly and  Moth Livestock, Deadstock
and  some Mantids and Stick Insects, entomological equipment, etc.

Here is a small selection of what Livestock we have available. If you
require our Full Livestock List and further details,  please E-Mail us your
request.  Our 1999 Catalogue will be published during March/April time.

British European Butterflies:
Brown Hairstreak (Thecla betulae)  12 Ova £5.95.  High Brown Fritillary
 Argynnis adippe f. cleodoxa) 12 Ova £4.95. Purple Emperor (Apatura iris)
overwintering Larvae £2.95 Each.
Silver Washed Fritillary (Argynnis. paphia) 10 Larvae £4.95.  Scottish
Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria ssp. oblita) Pupae £1.00.  Sericinus telamon
amurensis Pupae £3.50.  Allancastria caucasica Rare, Pupae £3.50.
Atrophaneura alcinous confusus Rare, Pupae £3.95.

Exotic Butterflies
Japanese Purple Emperor (Sassika chronda) Larvae £3.50 Each.

British/Foreign Moths
Red Underwing (Catocala nupta) 12 Ova £2.50.

Silk Moths & Others
Caligula boisduvali 12 Ova £3.50.  Caligula japonica  12 Ova £4.95.

Stick Insects and Mantids
Orchid Mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) £9.50 Per Mantid
Mantid Egg Case (Tenodera aridfolia sinensis) £4.95 Each or, 2 for £7.50.

Papered Butterflies
Lots of  Papered Butterflies from around the World.  Special offer on Bulk
Orders.  i.e. 50 Assorted papered butterflies from  South America £50, which
includes Morphos, Papilios, Preponas, Agrias, Callicores, Callithea, Anaea,
Marpesias, Doxocoapas, etc.

Postage and Packing extra.

Payment can be made by Credit Cards:  Visa , Mastercard and Eurocard,
English Cheques drawn on an English Bank or by International Money Order.

Nigel South, Butterfly Connections, Breeding Centre,
Silver Street, Misterton, Crewkerne, Somerset TA18 8NH, England.
Tel: (+44) 1460 73586.  Fax: (+44) 1460 78444.
E-Mail:  nigel at

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