More SoCal sightings

Mike Canzoneri mjc at
Mon Feb 22 21:35:46 EST 1999

Douglas Aguillard wrote:

> 2/20-National City, CA
> 1 Painted Lady  (a quarter of the normal size)

Yeah....I noticed this with some of the winter butterflies here,
especially the gulf fritillaries.  I saw one a few weeks ago that was
the size of a Texas Crescentspot. The light frost we had killed off
almost all of the passiflora foliage before these guys could fill up
sufficiently, I guess.

** I really wouldn't mind a tiger or a lion  **
** But you can take your plain old cat.      **
** And all your kitty litter                 **
** And cans of chopped liver                 **
** And throw 'em in a gunny sack.            **
** I hate cats.                              **
**                                           **
** Harry Waller - from "I Hate Cats"         **

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