Hong Kong Arthropods - help needed

Roger C. KENDRICK kendrick at hkusua.hku.hk
Tue Feb 23 10:06:25 EST 1999

Roger C. KENDRICK wrote:

> Hi Kevin and fellow Leps-L readers,
> ........

> 6. I can only think this is _Marumba dyras_ (Sphingidae, Macroglossinae) as
> this is the only sizeable sphingid in H.K. with the crenulate wing termen
> (see http://web.hku.hk/~kendrick/sph/mar-dyra.htm for a photo of this
> species). A common species in H.K. (one of the most abundant sphingids)

Please note the above URL is incorrect: try http://web.hku.hk/~kendrick/sph/mar_dyra.htm instead!!


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