Questions about Noctua pronuba

Jonathan Sylvestre Jonathan.Sylvestre at
Thu Jan 14 10:09:52 EST 1999

Thank for your response,

in my region, this moth abundance increase rapidly from year to years... For
example, I saw this moth first in 1993.... but last summer, it was
everywhere.... IM little anxious of this "problem"

If you know a good place where I can find the book you told me, please tell
me because IM very interesting to acquire this reference.


Gary Anweiler a écrit dans le message
<01be3f85$a3de2ec0$e4bc94d1 at default>...
>Don Lafontaine treats this species in his new volume in the Moths of
>America North of Mexico series that came out last fall, (the Noctuidae;
>Noctuini volume - Fasc. 27.3).
>He states it is a Palearctic species that was introduced at Halifax in 1979
>and has since become established and spread.  There is also apparently a
>similar and closely related species, Noctua comes, which has recently
>appeared on the West Coast (BC).

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