N.pronuba image

Thomas, Tony tthomas at nrcan.gc.ca
Fri Jan 15 07:51:13 EST 1999

To see an image of a New Brunswick, Canada, specimen, i) click on the
checklist address, ii) scroll down to Noctuidae, click, iii) scroll down to
#10925.1, click.  An image should appear.
Dr. A.W. Thomas
Research Scientist
Canadian Forest Service - Atlantic Forestry Centre
Natural Resources Canada
PO Box 4000, Stn. A
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5P7

 e-mail: tthomas at nrcan.gc.ca
'phone (506) 452-3523
FAX (506) 452-3525

Giant Silkmoth website: 

Illustrated Checklist of Fundy National Park Moths website:

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