Cambria Monarchs

DanauSakai danausakai at
Fri Jan 15 23:32:40 EST 1999

Counting monarchs takes a lot of practice.  Even so called experts give
differing estimates by more than 50%.  Some of us have been making such
estimates for years and we are still just guessing.

I suggest trying to count a small cluster... about 100 monarchs.  Learn what
that size is.  Then superimpose that image over the colony.  Let me know what
your estimate, and I will tell you mine.  I saw the site 3-4 days ago.  Email
me personally.  See below.

Note that the trail from Moonstone is closed, so you need to hike in from down
below.... I guess from the campground area.  It is closed for revegetation.

Walter H. Sakai
Professor of Biology                  Research Associate
Santa Monica College                Entomology Section
1900 Pico Blvd          L.A. Co. Museum of Natural History
Santa Monica, CA 90405-1628 
Tele:  (310)434-4702  <==
FAX: (310)434-3624   <==
Emails:  sakai_walter at; DanauSakai at

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