
Don Farra dfarra at ampersand.jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Jan 18 11:02:29 EST 1999

Interesting photographs at:
I did like the thumb nail image size and the quality of the pictures was very
good.  My only small recommendation would be to shoot more vertical (portrait
shots) in the future.

Why?  I think your shots could be published in magazines or as cards, in
which case most magazines are in the vertical format as well as most cards.
And you are shooting slide right?  Again most, but not all, magazines and
stock houses like to deal with slides.  and don't over look the possibly of
calendars, in which case the horizontal (landscape) shots will work our just



Nandakumar Sankaran wrote:

> I have added a gallery of butterflies to my website. Please visit
> http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Island/6036/ and send me any comments.
> Thanks,
> Nandakumar Sankaran
> nandu at acm.org

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