Meaning of Names - Help required
Victor Naveau
Victor.Naveau at
Sun Jan 31 12:06:20 EST 1999
John Patterson wrote:
> Victor,
> Yes I am still interested.
> I have not found anything to help me in my local library
> If it is possible I would really appreciate a translated copy of the relevant pages.
> If you have to spend any money please tell me and I will find a way to send it to you.
> I really appreciate you help. Many thanks John
> > > I understand that Lepidoptera comes from the Greek and that Lepis =
> > > 'scale' and pteron = 'wing'
> > > I am aware that there are 9 families of European Butterflies:
> > > Papilionidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Riodinidae, Libytheidae, Danaidae,
> > > Nymphalidae, Satyridae, Hesperiidae.
> > > If you look at Nymphalidae - I know what a Nymph is, but what has that
> > > got to do with this group of Butterflies.
> > > John Patterson
Dear John,
Here the translation of the families-names.
Papilionidae : from latin : papilio : first meaning = tent, afther that = butterfly.
Pieridae : The muses (inspiration, poet) would be named ' Pieriden'
comming from the mountain 'Pieris' where was there birthsplace.
Mountain 'Pieris' in 'Thesalië' near to Athene.
Lycaenidae : from greek lycaina (Lycaena) = a she-wolf, the
nickname of Aphrodite.
Nymphalidae : from greek 'nymphe' = joung girl, nimph
Satyridae , satyrus : from greek 'saturos' = sater = satyr = halfgod.
Hesperiidae : from greek 'esperios' = evening.
Libytheidae : Libythea = a she-god of Libyan.
Riodinidae and Danaidae are probably no Belgian of Europian
families. They are not translated in my books.
How these familie-names got their names ???
Possible the first-publiching author of the name gives more explication.
With kind regards.
Victor Naveau ir , Lange Beeldekensstraat 272 , BE - 2060 Antwerpen
Phone : +32 (0)3 236 07 65 , E-mail : Victor.Naveau at
: entomo-info at
- Vic's Taxonomy page
- Royal Entomological Society of Antwerp
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