Do swallowtails lay on avocado?

Sunsol Daniels MYTZ14A at
Sun Jul 4 10:05:33 EDT 1999

I lost your post.
Anyway, I had no idea that butterflies might nectar on honeydew, so I
wasn't really looking.  I was on the ground, and the butterfly was twenty
feet up on an avocado tree twenty feet away.  I don't really think that I
could have seen it bending its abdomen under without binoculars.  It
looked like ovipositing behavior to me. But I hardly ever see butterflies
nectar, so what would I know?  In my experience, butterflies generally
lay on the wing.  Anise swallowtails do, anyway.  And they sit to nectar.
 This swallowtail was fluttering from leaf to leaf.  I better go find a
way to check those leaves at the top of that tree!
And about the lace bugs.  I haven't seen a lace bug since I was in
southern Calfifornia in 1980.  But of course, I haven't looked for one
either.  Maybe that tree has something on it exuding honeydew. I'll have
to look for that, too.

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