Vanessa atalanta update - Denmark

Guy Van de Poel Guy_VdP at
Mon Jul 5 17:06:43 EDT 1999

For the first time in a couple of weeks (the sun has been only shining when
I had to work), I was out yesterday. One thing I noticed was that despite
good numbers of the seasonal butterflies (Maniola jurtina, Melanargia
galathea, Aphantopus hyperantus, the normal pierids), there were almost no
Nymphalinae out. There was a single Vanessa atalanta, but that was all, and
though I've been looking for caterpillars of Aglais urticae and Inachis io,
I couldn't find any.
I'm in the Heidelberg - Germany area, is this true for the rest of W. Europe
too ?
Guy Van de Poel
Guy_VdP at
Royal Entomological Society of Antwerp
-----Original Message-----
From: Morten DD Hansen <biomddh at>
To: leps-l at <leps-l at>
Date: zaterdag 3 juli 1999 17:43
Subject: Vanessa atalanta update - Denmark
>Hi Leps-netters
>The immigration of the Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) to Western
>Scandinavia has not been favored by the relatively poor weather with
>huge rainfalls. However, in E Sweden, Finland and Estonia the species
>has been very common in June with lots of immigrants, probably due to
>the heat wave from SE.
>So far, there have been two distinct migrations towards Denmark.
>20-30 May: A small immigration with a peak 27-29 May.
>19 June - 3 July: A small immigration with a peak during the last days.
>The specimens seem to be very fresh and may be immigrants from C
>Any sightings elsewhere in Europe?
>Kind regards
>Morten DD Hansen
>Morten DD Hansen, stud. scient.
>Dept. of Zoology, Institute of Biological Sciences
>Building 135, University of Aarhus
>Universitetsparken, DK-8000 Aarhus C
>Telephone: +45 8942 2695
>e-mail: biomddh at
>homepage on migrating birds and butterflies:
>DD's Birds and Butterflies - new edition!

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