Nymphalinae update - S. Germany

Guy Van de Poel Guy_VdP at t-online.de
Thu Jul 8 17:01:00 EDT 1999

Hi all,
Though the weather is still bad over here, my summer leave has started, so I
_wanted_ to go out today. In between the showers, I managed to get back to
the patch I found last weekend.
The temperature is high enough, because there were several butterflies
flying, though it was completely overcast.
The first Vanessa cardui of the season was out there, feeding on the plant
that gave him his name. It looked like it had just emerged, so probably not
a migrant.
Three Inachis io were out too, looking very fresh. Furthermore some Zygaena
(as yet unidentified to species), the seasonal ones from my last mail, and
some skippers : Thymelicus acteon, T. lineolus, Erynnis tages, Ochlodes
venatus. There may have been T. sylvestris too, but I only had the chance to
identify one of these for sure before the next shower came, and I had to run
for home. The season seems a little bit late here too, though some others
appear to be too early (T. acteon).
Guy Van de Poel
Guy_VdP at t-online.de
Royal Entomological Society of Antwerp

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