Flying with MV lamps

P. Stadel Nielsen fdki_ at
Thu Jul 15 15:55:35 EDT 1999

>Can anyone tell me whether international airlines are likely to object
>to my taking MV bulbs in my luggage.  Are they regarded as hazardous
Metallic mercury is as such hazardous goods by airtransport and
actually stricly forbidden unless declared as hazardous goods! As you
may know, Mercury dissolves many metals especially the metals planes
are made of!
However "packed" in a mercury bulb lamp, there is usually no problem.
Two years ago I carried a bag filled with abt. 30 MV lamps in Europe
and it was no problem. Just carry them as handluggage as recommended
by others people here. They look funny in x-ray!
Per Stadel Nielsen
Entomologist and consultant in hazardous goods transportation.
"All butterflies must have happy homes"
(L.G. Higgins)
Per Stadel Nielsen
<fdki at>
Skovskellet 35 A
DK - 2840 Holte
"All butterflies must have happy homes"
(L.G. Higgins)

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