Thoas Swallowtail in KY?

Kristina Williams Kristina_Williams at
Sun Jul 18 18:45:00 EDT 1999

I agree that it was most likely a cresphontes, based on the location.  The
two can only be reliably told apart by the genitalia - easily in the male
and with more difficulty in the female - or by witnessing oviposition choice
by the female.  See DeVries' Butterflies of Costa Rica for more information.
A beauty in either case.
Cheers, Kristina
Kristina R. Williams
Pacific Science Center
200 2nd Ave. N.
Seattle, WA 98109
kristina_williams at
> ----------
> From:         C.G. Anderson
> Reply To:     thx1138 at
> Sent:         Sunday, July 18, 1999 9:54 AM
> To:   leps-l at
> Subject:      Thoas Swallowtail in KY?
> I just saw what was clearly a Thoas Swallowtail on my butterfly bush.  I
> had never before witnessed a butterfly such as this.  I did a search on
> the Net for a picture, and it was a perfect match for the Thoas.  I
> quickly learned, however, this butterfly (according to the USGS site)
> should be nowehere near my home in Western Kentucky.  Is this true, and
> is this an unusual visitor to these parts?  Any information on this
> butterlfy would be greatly appreciated.
> --
> Chris Anderson
> Eddyville, KY
> Darklight Imagery web page:
> mailto:thx1138 at

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