Butterflies to black lights

jhimmel at connix.com jhimmel at connix.com
Tue Jul 20 08:53:07 EDT 1999

I had a nice surprise this morning while checking my light sheet.  A Banded
Hairstreak(Satyrium calanus - fairly common in CT) and a White M
Hairstreak(Parrhasius m-album - rare this far north) rested at the bottom of it.
 For some reason, when I do get butterflies to the lights, they are always
hairstreaks, Banded and Striped(Satyrium liparops) usually.  Are they attracted
to UV, or could they just be passing through in the early morning and waiting
for things to heat up.  The White M was newly emerged, but the Banded looked as
if it had been out and about for a couple of days.
I'd also be curious to hear of what butterflies some of you may have attracted
to your lights.
Best to all,
PS - The Catocalas have begun here in Killingworth, Connecticut.  So far in the
last 3 days C. vidua and C. ilia.
John Himmelman
Killingworth, CT USA
jhimmel at connix.com

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