Giant Leopard Moth...Questions

Rottwlrs2 rottwlrs2 at aol.comnospam
Tue Jul 20 21:59:46 EDT 1999

I'm new here, and I must say it's a really great newsgroup!  I've gotten some
info from a few people I found through web sites on moths, but I'd like more
help and you seem to be the ones who can lend your expertise.
First, let me tell you how I found a Giant Leopard Moth.
She was hanging out in our carport for a couple of days, so I checked to see if
it was OK.  It didn't seem to be doing too well - we have been having
unseasonably dry, hot weather.  I put her on the edge of the birdbath, and she
drank.  She wasn't moving too good, so I put her in one of my plants for some
shelter.  When I got home from work, she was still there.  She was still alive,
and I gave her more water.  She then laid some eggs!  I then found out a couple
of things, with the help of the web.  They don't live too long, and like sugar
water, nectar and Dandylions, and the eggs will hatch into Wooley Bear
caterpillars.  I mixed up some sugar water, and she really liked that - even
moved around more afterwards.  I put her back in the potted plant for shelter,
but since it was so hot still, I brought it inside.  I keep my house 78-80
degrees, so it's not too cold.  Also, we have a toad that visits our front
porch every night; we nicknamed him "Bubba", so you can imagine how big he is -
would probably love the delicacy of Giant Leopard Moth on his menu!  The moth
laid a lot of eggs at the base of the plant - it's fernlike but it does well
even in hot, dry weather, so it's a good hardy plant that offers shelter.  OK,
here are my questions:
How long can I help her live, and should I offer her Hummingbird nectar instead
of just sugar water?
What is the best thing to feed her?
How about fruits?
(She ignored the Dandylion.)
Do the eggs hatch in a week?
What will they want to eat?  Dandylions?
She flutters her wings after drinking the sugar water, and walks around a bit -
do you think she will eventually fly, or is she near the end of her life?
I've heard that some moths live quite a few months beyond expectancy with some
help - anyone have experience with that and can share what they did?
Thank you for your help.  I know it may seem silly to grow affectionate over a
moth, but she is very beautiful and sweet.  I swear she recognizes the litte
sugar water bowl!  She gets right on my finger from the plant when I have the
bowl - otherwise she stays in the plant, so I'm not just imagining it.  I have
dogs and many birds, and have taken in numerous domestic strays or wild animals
and reptiles needing medical help or recuperation time before releasing back
into the wild, and have never had such an experience with an insect, so it's
really interesting!  Well, thank you for your help!  Please email me direct!!

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