Selection of Livestock
Annette Leslie-South
nigel at
Fri Jul 23 17:22:48 EDT 1999
Dear All
Below is a selection of some of the Livestock we have for sale:
Argema mittrei Cocoons £12.50 Each, 3 @ £11.50 Each, 10 @ £10.00 Each
Leopa Katinka Cocoons £2.95 Each
Bramaea wallichi Pupae £3.50 Each
Peacock (Inachis io) Pupae £1.50 Each
Papilio hippocrates: Pupae £2.95
Parnassius glacius 12 Ova £19.50
Euphydryas aurina 10 Larvae £4.50
Aporia crataegi 10 Larvae £4.95
Pontia daplidice Pupae £1.50
Chequered Blue (S. orion) Pupae £1.95
Erebia ligea 12 Ova £5.95
Erebia claudina 12 Ova £19.50, Rare
Pandorina pandora £12 Ova £7.95
Brenthis daphne 12 Ova £4.95
Saturnidae: Antheraea oculiae 12 Ova £4.95
Willowherb Hawk (P. proserpina) Pupae £2.95 Each
Postage and Packing: 75p Inland
Overseas - Approximately £1.50
Payment can be made by Credit Cards for larger amounts by: Visa Mastercard
and Eurocard; English cheques drawn on an English Bank or by International
Money Order.
Our Address:
Nigel South, Butterfly Connections, Breeding Centre, Silver Street,
Misterton, Crewkerne, Somerset TA18 8NH, England.
Tel: (44) 1460 73586. Fax (+44) 1460 78444.
E-Mail: nigel at
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