What do houseflies really like?
jkrogerSPAM_FILTER at earthlink.net
Sat Jul 24 11:04:51 EDT 1999
In article <19990723091640.25208.00000558 at ng-cr1.aol.com>,
mrcanter at aol.com (Mrcanter) wrote:
> Where are all of these flies coming from? They have to be either coming in
> through some opening, which would have to be open a lot for a large number of
> flies to keep appearing .... or they are growing somewhere in your
house. Last
> summer my sister (who keeps an immaculate house) had them. Turns out
they were
> growing in the drain pan to the refrigerator. Unless there is an abundance of
> flies outside of your house and/or you leave the doors and windows open a lot,
> maybe something similar to this is happening at your house. If so, you will
> have flies until the food source for the maggots runs out, or until you find
> it. Good luck..
> Jodi
Thanks. There are three spots they accumulate. I'll check them.
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