Nymphalis vaualbum j-album

Chris J. Durden drdn at mail.utexas.edu
Fri Jul 30 09:05:01 EDT 1999

All angles of the wings are rounder in the female. In this species the male
genitalia are pulled into the abdomen. On the living male a gentle squeeze
on the abdomen will stimulate eversion of the valvae which may then be seen
clasping and unclasping, occasonally the aedeagus may be everted also.
  On the dead specimen break off the abdomen or snip off the end. Wet with
alcohol, soften in warm water with detergent. When soft the parts may be
separated and dissected. I prefer this method to KOH digestion which tends
to destroy some minor characters such as scale clumps and plugs.
.........Chris Durden
At 02:05  30/07/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Does anyone know how to distinguish between the sexes for this species?
>Thx in advance,
>Xi Wang

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