Common names

Boydtd at Boydtd at
Fri Jun 4 16:26:58 EDT 1999


If you have any wild areas in Mayo (and I know it is mostly wild), you should 
see more than green-veined whites (Pieris napi) around: there are wood whites 
(Leptidea sinapis), marsh fritillaries (Eurodryas aurinia), green hairstreaks 
(Callophrys rubi), small coppers (Lycaena phlaeas), small heaths (Coenonympha 
pamphilus) and a host of others as well not to mention the moths, notably the 
magnificent Emperor (note capital E: it deserves it) on the heather bogs.  
You might have to brave barbed wire and wet Irish bogland to see these, but 
they are there.  However, they can only be discovered if the sun shines, and 
there hasn't been much of that.  Good Luck!

Trevor Boyd
Butterfly Conservation (Northern Ireland)

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